Pet First Aid Kit
A fully comprehensive First Aid Kit for your pets, A MUST HAVE.
With this kit you can give your pet basic First Aid before you rush off to the vet!
$65.00 per kit
As we have recently hosted a Pet First Aid training day we decided that we really should stock their Pet First Aid Kits.
These kits should be used to manage your first response to an accident. If you have one then you are prepared instead of running around the house looking for the things you need. If you actually have the things you need!
We are by no means saying that basic training should take over from your vet but there are a lot of circumstances where the accident is minor which could be treated by you.
If the accident needs to be looked at by a vet then you would have helped your pet by giving the First Aid first. I.E. Stop or slow bleeding by putting pressure on a wound with a sterile pad from your kit and sticking it in place with adhesive tape, followed by a trip to the vet.
These kits can be used on humans as well.
What is in our First Aid Kit?
- First Aid Instruction Card
- 4 x Trauma Pad (10 x 20cm)
- 3 of 7.5 x450cm Bandages
- 2 of 5 x 450cm Bandages
- 1 pair flat scissors
- 15 small plasters
- 3 x Alcohol Prep Pad
- 3 x Soap Wipe
- 6 x Non-Adherent Sterile Pad (5cm x 7.6cm)
- 1 x Sterile Non-Woven Gauze
- 1 x Tweezers
- 5 x Safety Pin
- 1 x Disposable Gloves
- 1 roll Sticky Tape
- 3 x Sterile Saline Cleaning Solution
- 1 x Resuscitation Devise
- 2 x Triangular Bandages
- 1 x Silver Rescue Blanket
- 1 x Instant Ice Pack
- 3 x Self-sticking Bandages (rolls)
You can add other things to the kit such as Dr Pet Smoooch, Snoot & Boot Balm, Colloidal Silver etc.
So now you have your kit, where do you store it?
Your first aid kit should be easy to find. But it should be kept in a high, childproof cabinet, far away from kids’ prying fingers. Keep one full-sized kit in a central spot at home, such as your kitchen or bathroom. Then put a smaller kit in your car or purse for when you’re on the road.
How often should I check my First Aid Kit?
Go through everything in your first aid kit, and replace any empty or out-of-date items at least once a year.
If you are interested in a Pet First Aid Training Course then either contact us or Pet First Aid Training NZ
This Blog was bought to you by Bev & Monty ♥