Raw Meat for Cats & Kittens
For busy people who want no fuss but the very, very best for their pets.
4 Reasons Why Cats Need A Balanced Raw Food Diet
1. Teeth
Cats are true carnivores. Their teeth are highly evolved to help them to hunt, kill and eat prey. They are also used for self-defence and grooming. The tiny incisors at the front of their mouths are designed to grip prey while the sharp canine teeth kill and shred it. At the back of the mouth, they have eight sharp and serrated pre-molar teeth to cut up food into chunks and four molars to crush bone. Cats can only move their jaws up and down so they can’t chew food in the way that we can.
2. Taurine
Cats need Taurine. Taurine are essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of all proteins. It is exclusively found in animal-based proteins and is critical for normal vision, digestion, heart muscle function, to maintain normal pregnancy and foetal development, and to maintain a healthy immune system.
3. The Gut
A cat’s gut is much shorter than ours, meaning that unlike humans they lack the ability to fully digest and utilise the nutrients in plant material such as grains. In fact, cats have no nutritional need for grains whatsoever.
4. The Stomach
Their stomach is highly acidic which is designed to break down raw protein such as meat, bone, organs, and gristle quickly. Kibble needs an alkaline stomach to break the food down which makes digestion of kibble dry food much more difficult.
An increasing number of vets have embraced a balanced raw diet (Prey Model Diet), agreeing that the balanced blend of nutrients and vitamins is more beneficial for cats than dry food. When fed only dry food, cats can become chronically dehydrated, leading to severe health problems.
Health Benefits of a Raw Food Diet
An increasing number of pet owners claim to have noticed a significant increase in overall health after switching to a raw food diet. Week after week we hear of pets transforming in front of their owners’ eyes.
Superior joint and bone health
There is no better way to support bone health than your cat eating bones. Crushed bones are included in our Prey Model meat blends along with our meaty bones. Bone is a natural source of calcium, phosphorus, glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, and marrow.
Smaller, less smelly poops!
Because a raw food diet is more digestible a higher percentage of the food gets broken down in the body leaving very little waste. Dry food diets product more faecal matter than raw diets.
Poos from pets fed a raw meat diet are often small, dry, crumbly, and less smelly.
Healthier skin & coat and higher energy levels
Raw diets contain many ingredients that support skin and coat health, one of the most notable and researched being omega-3 fatty acids. Healthy omega fats play a large role in supporting healthy skin and a soft coat as well as providing anti-inflammatory benefits, perfect for cats with allergies or inflammatory skin diseases.
Chewing on meaty bones will help clean your cat’s teeth. Teeth need calcium to stay strong and retain their enamel coating. Our Prey Model meat blends contain bone, so we’ve got your cats teeth covered.
Fewer urinary problems
One of the main diseases we see in cats is urinary disease, and evidence points to dry cat food contributing to it. As cats don’t have a big thirst drive, most of their water comes from raw food. Raw diets provide more water intake, and therefore may help to stave off cystitis in susceptible felines.
A stronger immune system
The immune system is the first defence for fighting off infection, which is why it’s so important to keep it in tip-top shape. A balanced raw diet provides the body with the correct highly digestible nutrients
Transitioning your cat or kitten to raw food
If your cat or kitten currently eats kibble, they will likely be accustomed to grazing throughout the day. Unlike kibble, raw food is designed to be eaten straight away.
Ideally, cats should be fed twice a day, and kittens (up to a year) up to 6 times a day.
Let your meat blocks and bones defrost naturally in a covered container.
Cats like their meat at room temperature as this is the closest to the blood temperature. If you find your meat is a little cold, you can always add some boiled water to it which makes a yummy gravy.
Every cat is different: some eat a little and some love their food and eat a lot.
When transitioning your cat to raw food, we suggest you start off with small amount and add more as the days go by.
Where possible, try and eliminate kibble from your cat’s diet.
Do not mix kibble and raw together in the same meal, serve them at separate meals.
Kittens typically adapt to raw food diets quicker than older cats who may have become set in their ways. The key to success is patience: it might take some time, but don’t give up!
We recommend you weigh your pet before you start a raw diet so you can gauge whether you are feeding them enough or too much.
Always feed a variety of different proteins to prevent your cat from becoming ‘fussy’. Meats sourced from different animals and animal organs also contain varying levels of nutrients and vitamins, so variety recommended.