Flee Flea Jar

Flee Flea Jar


Simply sprinkle on your pet’s food daily. Our mixture of healthy food ingredients will help boost your pets’ immunity. The stronger your pet’s immune system, the less appealing they are as a home for hungry fleas.

Flee Flea ingredients are high in vitamins and minerals and contain no chemicals. A healthy diet full of goodness with the addition of Flee Flea is probably the best protection you can give your pets.

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Flee Flea deters fleas in cats and dogs and may contribute to the health and wellbeing of your pet. Made with all-natural ingredients and containing no chemicals, Flee Flea is a great nutritional supplement that can be given throughout all stages of your pet’s life. Flee Flea has been successfully used by animal lovers throughout New Zealand for nearly 30 years.


• Brewers Yeast • Garlic • Wheatgerm • Kelp • Dolomite • Ascorbic Acid • Lecithin • Wheat Bran • Sulphur

Flee Flea Directions for use

Daily dose: Cats, kittens, puppies, and small/medium dogs: ½ – 1 teaspoon

Large dogs: 1 dessertspoon

As well as being a natural flea deterrent for cats and dogs, Flee Flea can also be used for guinea pigs, pet rats, rabbits and chickens, and other household pets. Flee Flea is sprinkled onto wet or dry food or can be rubbed into an animal’s coat and left to be licked off during grooming.